Tyson Wiki

Lyson Loud is the 10-year-old brother of Tyson.

Physical appearance[]

Lyson wears a red and white striped shirt, blue and red polka dotted pants, and white shoes. Lyson has brown hair.


Lyson is known to be a hyperactive, silly and goofy yet good-hearted and friendly young kid. In David Smith Reborn Episode 4 and the early Lyson episodes, he shows a major crush on Frankie Foster, though this has been remedied by the episode Lyson’s Return to Terribike Camp.


  • According to the Kids in the Hood movie, Lyson has 31 dollars and he earns another 15 dollars in the Wimpy Halloween movie by selling his Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Long Haul book (baby Lily ripped pages 76 and 150).