Abandoning some of my wikis
I'm abandoning the following wikis here:
- Windows Fanon Wiki
- David Smith Wiki
- I'm making a page for it and all its episodes soon.
- My Phineas and Ferb fanmade page on Phineas and Ferb Fanon Wiki
- I'm doing this because I got Zimmer Roberts Extrapalooza now.
- I'll still edit there RARELY.
- Fanon Wiki
- Doing this since I now have an expanded ZRE page here now.
- Dream Logos Wiki
- Trolls Fanon Wiki
- Trolls didn't do all that good at box office, only $36 million more than Bolt.
- The fanon pages I've made based off of have been deleted soon after I made them.
- VeggieTales Fanon Wiki
- I'm adding The Car Ride Song from my original idea for VeggieTales Snow Way Out that was released in 1995 to Zimmer Roberts Extrapalooza because the concept looks intresting.
- Diary of a Wimpy …